Resolution Template

Create Steering Committees

Step 2 - Create Steering Committees
Each Chapter should establish a local Steering Committee for Plan Implementation.
Generally, a Steering Committee is a body of people that deliberates and decides on the priorities and order of business for the organization they represent, and which manages the execution of those priorities. Recognizing that the use of Economic Development Steering Committees is uncommon in the Navajo Nation, if it is desired, a Chapter's current Chapter Officials may serve as the Steering Committee. Alternatively, the Chapter may wish to broaden the function of its CLUP to serve as its Steering Committee. If a Steering Committee is desired, Chapter Officials should oversee the creation of its Steering Committee, and forward a list of its members to the support team.
Resolution Template
The Resolution template below is provided to help Chapters make their Steering Committee selections official.
Note: Chapters do not have to use these resolutions; you may use a resolution format of your own.
- Download the template
- Open and fill out the template in Microsoft Word
- Upload the Resolution using the form below.
Resolution Upload Form
What Steering Committee Members Do
The role of the Steering Committee Members includes:
- Scheduling and organizing Plan Week follow-up meetings (During Plan Week, Chapter participants agreed that they would like to have monthly follow-up meetings for plan implementation), and should share Steering Committee meeting schedules with the Navajo Thaw Support Team, who will attend these meetings as often as possible, to provide support and encouragement.
- Advocating for Chapter and for Plan Implementation
- Receiving reports and communicating with their Chapter Navajo Thaw Round Table representatives
- Communicating with their Chapter's general public about the activities and progress of the Navajo Thaw