Step 3 - Establish Navajo Thaw Roundtable

As we discussed during the Regional Summit, we will form the Navajo Thaw Roundtable, which will consist of one Representative from each of the ten Chapters (the nine Navajo Thaw Chapters plus Nahata Dziil).  Each Chapter should also appoint one Alternate Representative, to serve in place of the Representative, as needed.  Chapter Officials should oversee the appointment of the Representative and the Alternate, and then update the support team.

Resolution Template

The Resolution template below is provided to help Chapters make official the appointment of their roundtable Representative and Alternate.

Note:  Chapters do not have to use these resolutions; you may use a resolution format of your own.
  1. Download the template
  2. Open and fill out the template in Microsoft Word
  3. Upload the Resolution using the form below.
Resolution Upload Form

What the Roundtable Will Do

The Navajo Thaw Roundtable will convene on a quarterly basis (perhaps more frequently over the next six months) to:

  • Receive reports from the Navajo Nation, NHLCO, the support team and others related to Navajo Thaw developments/resources/activities/progress
  • Serve as a forum for local (Chapter-based) feedback and advice to the Support Team/NHLCO
  • Be a two-way communication to ensure teamwork and progress

Each Chapter should inform the support team of its selected Representative and Alternate.