Business Assistance for Navajo Entrepreneurs (BANE) Grant Writing Workshops

Building Communities is working with Moonshot at NACET to deliver the Business Assistance for Navajo Entrepreneurs (BANE) project.  The purpose of the project is to facilitate business development opportunities for the Navajo people that live within the Navajo Thaw Region.

As a part of its contribution to the project, Building Communities will offer a free three-session, Zoom-presented grant writing workshop that will:

  1. Offer grant writing fundamentals to Navajo people expressing an interest in the grant writing profession/activity
  2. Convene the various nonprofits that are already supporting the Navajo Thaw Region
  3. Invite federal grant program managers to explain the eligibility, requirements and benefits from grant programs
  4. Result in a series of completed grant applications to further advance the Navajo Thaw Region

There will be two outcomes from the series of workshops:

  1. Multiple grant applications will be immediately submitted for consideration for federal funding by multiple applicants
  2. A group of budding grant writers will be eager to learn more and submit applications themselves

On the second point, the “budding grant writers group” will work collaboratively to determine the future of this initiative. Do they wish to write grants on an individual basis? Would they like to form some type of group or consortia? How does this relate to the expansion of locally-developed capacity? Can this develop into career opportunities?

Navajo Thaw BANE Grant Writing Workshop Series

Feb 22, 2021 1:00 PM
Mar 1, 2021 1:00 PM
Mar 8, 2021 1:00 PM

Meeting ID: 886 3551 2052
Passcode: 448163
If by Phone Only: (346) 248-7799